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  Re: [Aroid-l] If Wolffia is Araceae....
From: "Christopher Rogers" <crogers at ecoanalysts.com> on 2009.07.30 at 18:45:43

What a great response!


Thank you for all theinformation and the citations. I grow Lemna, Wolffia, and Spirodella. Do any ofthe references that you cite below have good keys to genus and/ or species?


Thanks in advance!



D. Christopher Rogers

Senior Invertebrate Ecologist/Taxonomist



EcoAnalysts, Inc.


P.O. Box 4098

Davis, CA 95616














From:aroid-l-bounces@gizmoworks.com [mailto:aroid-l-bounces@gizmoworks.com] OnBehalf Of Jeremy P
Sent: Sunday, July 26, 2009 10:04 PM
To: Buzgo, Matyas; Discussion of aroids
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] If Wolffia is Araceae....


Dear Matyas,

Thank you for your comprehensive and illuminating reply! It was exactly what Iwas after, and as I suspected it may, generated further reading on my part totry and get my head around the way things stand at the moment.

Thank you once again,


2009/7/23 Buzgo, Matyas <Matyas.Buzgo@lsus.edu>

Dear Jeremy;


Bottom line:

Whether Lemnoids have a singleflower or a composed inflorescence cannot be determined at this point.



Traditionally =E2=80=9CLemnaceae=E2=80=9D havebeen interpreted as having an inflorescence.  I emphasize here=E2=80=9Dinterpretation=E2=80=9D, and the extremely reduced Wolffia is not the right startingpoint for a comparison with Amphophallus. 


One reason for theinflorescence interpretation is the un-equal development of stamens in Lemnaand Spirodela:  Stamen-carpel-Stamen.  This sequence  is unusualfor flowers, where the organs of one identity tend to develop together, but notunusual for inflorescences, if each organ (or a group of not more than two) isconsidered a strongly reduced flower.   The other reason is justtradition =E2=80=93 or burden =E2=80=93 from the past, when Lemoids were compared with Pistia(which is now rejected, see below).



1) Blurred Distinction:

Buzgo & Endress (2000) andBuzgo (2001)  described that strong unidirectional development of flowerscan lead to a mixed up sequence of flower organ development; particularly inreduced inflorescences.  Buzgo et al (2006) described that the distinctionof meristem identity of flower and inflorescence can be blurred in reducedflowers, and the debate whether reduced structures represent a flower or inflorescence is not serving anybody. 


2) Phylogeny and AncestralCharacter States:

Looking at the molecularphylogeny of Araceae (Cabrera et al. 2008), we see that the Lemnoideae cladeinserts at the second node of the grade of basal Araceae, between the basalmost node to the sister clade with Orontioideae and Gymnostachys, and the thirdnode to Pothoideae (+Anthurium) and Monsteroideae.  That is, Lemnoideaeare =E2=80=9Csurrounded=E2=80=9D by clades with bisexual and pethal-bearing flowers!  Itis plausible that the ancestor of all Lemnoideae also had bisexual,petal-bearing flowers.  It is not necessary (not parsimonious) toassume that the structures in Lemanoideae represent several distinct flowers.


3) The Pistia Legacy

The reason for sticking withthe interpretation of Lemnoid reproductive structures as inflorescence is a legacyor burden from the past, when Pistia was often proposed to be related toLemnoids (Engler, Stockey et al. 1997).  This relation of Pistia toLemnoids has been rejected now several times (rev. Cabrera et al. 2008; alsoRenner et al. 2004), and no longer bears significance for the interpretation ofthe flower in Lemnoids.  Just drop it!


As a conclusion, the structuremay well represent a single flower, possibly as the result of a stronglyreduced inflorescence (point 1 above), with the tubular membrane in somerepresenting a bract (spathe) or a perianth organ (since it lacks an axillarymeristem, =E2=80=9Cperianth=E2=80=9D would be appropriate).


Below some Literature =E2=80=93 I hopethis helps.




Matyas Buzgo, PhD

Dept. of Biological Sciences,LSUS

One University Place

Shreveport, LA 71115, USA

(318) 797 5120 office

(318) 797 5222 fax




+ Arber, A. 1919. Thevegetative morphology of Pistia and the Lemnaceae. Proc. Roy. Soc. London 91 B:96-103

+ Bogner, J. 2000. FriedrichHegelmaier (1833-1906) and the Lemnaceae. Aroideana 23: 4-8

+ Buzgo, M. 1994. Inflorescencedevelopment of Pistia stratiotes (Araceae). Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 115 (4): 557-570

+ Buzgo, M., Endress, P.K.2000. Floral structure and development of Acoraceae and its systematic relationshipswith basal angiosperms. Int. J. Plant Sci. 161 (1): 23-41

+ Buzgo, M. 2001. Flowerstructure and development of Araceae compared with alismatids and Acoraceae. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 136 (4):393-425

+ Buzgo, M. Soltis,D.E., Soltis, P.S., Kim, S., Ma, H., Hauser, B.A., Leebens-Mack, J. Johansen,B. 2006. Perianthdevelopment in the basal monocot Triglochin maritima (Juncaginaceae). - In:Columbus, J.T., Friar, E.A., Porter, J.M., Prince, L.M., Simpson, M.G. (eds),Monocots: Comparative Biology and Evolution, (excluding Poales). ALISO 22:107-125 (Claremont, CA, USA: Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, ISSN:0065-6275)

+ Cabrera, L.I., Salazar, G.A.,Chase, M.W., Mayo S.J., Bogner, J., Davila, P. 2008 Phylogenetic Relationshipsof Aroids and Duckweeds (Araceae) inferred from coding and non-coding plastidDNA. Am. J. Bot. 95 (9): 1153-1165

+ Caldwell, O.W. 1899. On thelife-history of Lemna minor. Bot. Gaz. 27: 37-66

+ Landolt, E. 1980a.Biosystematische Untersuchungen in der Familie der Wasserlinsen (Lemnaceae). Ver=C3=B6ff. Geobot. Inst. ETH R=C3=BCbel 70 (1):5-247

+ Landolt, E. 1980b.Biosystematic investigations in the family of duckweeds (Lemnaceae), vol2. Thefamily of Lemnaceae - A monographic study. Ver=C3=B6ff. Geobot. Inst. ETH R=C3=BCbel 71:7-566

+ Landolt, E. 1986. The familyof Lemnaceae - a monographic study. Vol. 1 of the monograph: Morphology,karyology; ecology; geographic distribution; systematic position; nomenclature;descriptions. Ver=C3=B6ff. Geobot. Inst. ETH R=C3=BCbel 71 (2): ??

+ Landolt, E. Kandeler, R. 1987.Biosystematic investigations in the family of duckweeds (Lemnaceae), vol. 4.The family of Lemnaceae - A monographic study. Ver=C3=B6ff. Geobot. Inst. ETH R=C3=BCbel 95 (1):9-638

+ Renner, S.S., Zhang,L.-B. 2004. Biogeography ofthe Pistia clade (Araceae): Based on chloroplast and mitochondrial DNAsequences and Bayesian divergence time inference. Syst. Biol. 53 (3): 422-432

+ Stockey, R.A., Hoffman, G.L.,Rothwell, G.W. 1997 The fossil monocot Limnobiophyllum scutatum: Resolving thephylogeny of Lemnaceae. Am. J. Bot. 84 (3):  355-368







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From: aroid-l-bounces@gizmoworks.com[mailto:aroid-l-bounces@gizmoworks.com]On Behalf Of Jeremy P
Sent: Sunday, July 19, 2009 7:25 PM
To: Discussion of aroids
Subject: [Aroid-l] If Wolffia is Araceae....


Hello Aroid-L Listers,

Without wanting to open a proverbial can of worms (which may have never reallybeen closed...), I do have a question about Wolffia, it's flower structure andthus its' (current?) inclusion in Araceae.

I'll give the reason for my question first, which leads to the actual query itself- we have many aroids on public display here at the RBG Melbourne, and for along time I've wanted to interpret to our visitors that they can stand underthe plant with the world's largest inflorescence (The fabulous Amorphophallustitanum of course) while trying to spot the world's smallest floweringplant floating on the pond... Wolffia.

So, my mind began ticking away at the finer details of how to tell the story,and became unsure when I put the statement "the world's smallestflower" beside the inclusion of Wolffia in Araceae, which as Iunderstand it, is renowned for its' spathe/spadix inflorescence - havingtried to stumble my way through much taxonomic jargon (of which myunderstanding is regrettably rather poor) I'm still none the wiser, and so wearrive at my point of query...

Does Wolffia have a single flower or an inflorescence? Seeing that in clearprint makes me realise just how limited my understanding may be as I'm sure Ican hear echoes of "it's not that simple" bouncing back already! Ihave come across mention of unisexual aroids flowers (on the IAS website,Genera page) but wasn't sure if that correlates to having an inflorescence...again a confession of my limited understanding.

So, with that all said I wait, with gratitude for any replies, to beeducated...

Jeremy P
RBG Melbourne




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