From: "Marek Argent" <abri1973 at> on 2009.07.17 at 16:00:15
This is strange. I typed in the MoBot Tropicos database the name "Philodendron cannifolium" and the name is accepted, I googled for images and most of them show Ph. martianum or other popular species like Ph. sagittifolium or Ph. hastatum. To mix up more: I have and ald lithography which presents a species Philodendron cannaefolium (see the attachment), there's no such entry in Tropicos, but I found a page showing this "species" and it is not Ph. martianum, it resembles Ph. hastatum ("glaucophyllum"): Another page says that Ph. cannaefolium is a synonym of Ph. martianum, but there are no photos: And a forum page with photos of Ph. martianum and a long discussion after it Have fun Marek ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 5:32 AM Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Does anyone know this Philodendron?
Correct Marek. The petioles which support each blade of Philodendron martianum are spongy to the touch. They commonly possess a "C" shaped depression (sulcate or canaliculate) down the adaxial (upper) surface and since the petiole's are often swollen they likely store water or starches inside. There are also sharp ridges that define the edges of the canal.
The plant in your photos appear to be those of a juvenile specimen. The largest plant on my page is very large and is in the collection of Leland Miyano in Hawaii. All the data on my page has also been checked by aroid botanist Marcus Nadruz and others but I'm always anxious to have any errors pointed out.
I've attached one of Leland's photos showing the size of the petioles of his plant. I thought I had added this to the page but just found I left it off. I'll add it later tonight.
Steve Lucas
Marek Argent wrote: Hello, I have photos of Philodendron martianum and it has swollen petioles Marek ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 5:26 AM Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Does anyone know this Philodendron?
I have several Philodendron martianum which is often called Philodendron cannifolium and the characteristics are not a good match. I wrote a very detailed page which is on the site about a year ago with both Brazilian botanist Marcus Nadruz' and Leland Miyano's help on how P. martianum came to be called P. cannifolium. Interesting story but technically there is no such plant as Philodendron cannifolium.
I'm now checking out Pete's suggestions! Thanks for the input.
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