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  Re: [Aroid-l] Anthurium scherzerianum x andreanum?
From: <ju-bo at msn.com> on 2009.05.31 at 20:53:36
Dear Phil=2C

You may want to check Steve Lucas' web site=2C he has EXTENSIVE information on Anthurium pollination. =3B
I do not believe that these two species you mention can or will hybridize=2C they are only distantly related (see Deni Bown`s wonderful book "Aroida=2C Plants of the Arum Family"=2C pg. 207.
In your other note you ask if you can self pollinate A. scherzerianum. =3B Only if you have two blooms at different stages of development=2C as the cycle is as follows---the stigmas/female flowers become receptive after the spathe opens. =3B You`ll see tiny drops of moisture at the tip of each stigma indicating that the spadix is at female anthesis/receptive. =3B This is the stage at which you can apply pollen collected from ANOTHER=2C older bloom to these receptive stigmas. =3B After a few days/one day=2C these will dry up=2C and later on the spadix will start producing pollen along its length maybe starting from the top=2C working its way down to the bottom over several days=2C or the other way around depending on grouping/species. =3B This is the male anthesis. =3B If the female flowers were not fertilized before the male anthesis=2C the whole bloom will now abort. =3B =3B In certain species of aroidd=2C viable seeds may be produced WITHOUT irect pollination=2C these will be clones of the mother-plant so keep your fingers crossed.
Good luck. =3B Check out Steve Lucas' site.


>=3B Date: Tue=2C 26 May 2009 09:23:51 -0700
>=3B From: pbunch@cox.net
>=3B To: aroid-l@gizmoworks.com
>=3B Subject: [Aroid-l] Anthurium scherzerianum x andreanum?
>=3B Will Anthurium scherzerianum and A. andreanum hybridize. If so are the offspring fertile?
>=3B Thanks=2C
>=3B Phil Bunch
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