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Re: [Aroid-l] An Amorphophallus gigas blooms in California
From: bonaventure at optonline.net on 2009.05.21 at 21:13:49
=3CDIV=3EHi Bill=2C=3C/DIV=3E=3CDIV=3E=26nbsp=3B=3C/DIV=3E=3CDIV=3ECan you save some pollen in an envelope and keep dry and refrigerate=3F Some of us would like to try to make Amorphophallus=26nbsp=3Bhybrids=2E=3C/DIV=3E=3CDIV=3E=26nbsp=3B=3C/DIV=3E=3CDIV=3EBonaventure Magrys=3C/DIV=3E=3CDIV=3ECliffwood=26nbsp=3BBeach=2C NJ=3C/DIV=3E=3CDIV=3E=26nbsp=3B=3C/DIV=3E=3CDIV=3E-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=3C/DIV=3E=3CDIV=3E=3CP=3E=3CFONT face=3DArial=2Csans-serif=3EHi Bill=2C Please keep posting photos=2E I had to get rid of my=26nbsp=3B A=2E =3C/P=3Egigas=2E It was just to big for my place=2E It is wonderful to see yours doing so well=2E I wish I could help you with the timeline=2C but mine did=27nt=26nbsp=3Bget that far along=2E If you can also please post your description of the smell=2E I know that sounds weird=2C but I was always fascinated by how the different species can smell so different=2E =3CBR=3EThanks=2C Garland=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3E-------------- Original message from =22Weaver=2C Bill=22 =26lt=3Bbill=2Eweaver=40hp=2Ecom=26gt=3B=3A -------------- =3CBR=3E=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3E=26gt=3B We=27ve been discussing this with our west coast aroid=26nbsp=3Bgroup and I realized that I =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B forgot =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B to send it to the larger group=2E =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B I=27ve got an Amorphophallus=26nbsp=3Bgigas=26nbsp=3Bstarting to bloom and I was wondering if anyone =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B else has had any experience with this and can give me some sort of idea what to =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B expect time line wise=2E (The attached photos will give some idea how far it has =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B developed) =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B Thank You =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B Bill Weaver =3CBR=3E=3C/FONT=3E=3CP=3E=3C/P=3E=3C/DIV=3E--Boundary_(ID_hNWBwQVIZsQhJlgYumXwaA)----===============6968048310084100608==
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