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  Re: [Aroid-l] Heteroblasty--Peter Boyce.
From: cgdz33a at aol.com on 2009.05.14 at 22:23:13

There are some great articles out there on Heteroblasty and Heterochrony in general. Anyone interested should have a look at some of Cynthia Jones' (UCONN) papers as well as James Grimes work on the Fabaceae.

Ive collected alot of data on morphology and heterochrony in the aroids over the past few years when I was considering aroid evolution for my doctoral thesis. It really is a great family with some model organisms for these studies. The seasonality and vining members of the family in particular provide some great data as Marek pointed out.

Eric C Morgan
Bartlett Arboretum Herbarium

-----Original Message-----
From: Marek Argent <abri1973@wp.pl>
To: Discussion of aroids <aroid-l@gizmoworks.com>
Sent: Tue, 12 May 2009 4:20 pm
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Heteroblasty--Peter Boyce.

Hello Julius,
Not only Syngonium species are heteroblastic, you can observe it in many species of Philodendron and tuberous aroids where adult leaves are different from the juvenile ones.
For example see my Syngonium (I still don't know what species may it be, most people suggest this is a cultivar of S. podophyllum, but it can be also S. hoffmanni - its juvenile leaves are sagittate and white-veined, the adult ones are 3-lobed with 2 small posterior lobes ("ears"), but never they are 5 or more lobed like in a typical S. podophyllum)
Marek Argent
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 10:14 PM
Subject: [Aroid-l] Heteroblasty--Peter Boyce.

Dear all Aroidophyles,

A note to all who read this L, and a word of sincere thanks to Pete for this one!  I wonder how many of us stopped for just a moment to ponder (and be VERY thankful!!!) of how VERY fortunate we all are to have THE world experts at most or ALL families of Araceae, people such as Peter Boyce (Indonesia), Wilbert Hetterschied (Holland), Tom Croat (USA), Eduardo Goncalves (Brazil, Alistair Hay (Australia) and even Simon Mayo (UK) and this leaves out MANY other individuals who take the time from their busy schedules to answer querries made to this forum!
I know a little about Syngonium, but certainly did NOT know about this retention of one leaf-shape (Heteroblasty!) through the growth-cycle of this Syngonium species!
On behalf of the IAS, a heartfelt word of thanks to you guys/experts out there!
Now go ahead and join the IAS, we SO need your financial  support!!!  :--)

Julius Boos.

> From: phymatarum@googlemail.com
> To: aroid-l@gizmoworks.com
> Date: Sat, 9 May 2009 16:09:36 +0800
> Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Philodendron "SCH=C3=96NBRUNNER HYBRID"
> Hi Helmut,
> Syngonium macrophllum is one of the species that does not exhibit
> heteroblasty; the leaf shape remains the same and they simply get larger and
> larger. At Kew S. chiapense got to 10 m before it flowered.
> Best
> Peter
> -----Original Message-----
> From: aroid-l-bounces@gizmoworks.com [mailto:aroid-l-bounces@gizmoworks.com]
> On Behalf Of Helmut Reisenberger
> Sent: 06 May 2009 17:15
> To: Discussion of aroids
> Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Philodendron "SCH=C3=96NBRUNNER HYBRID"
> Hello Ferenc, Hi all !
> thanks for your contribution to the identification. You make me sure it is a
> Syngonium. But what makes this species never to develop adult leaves, which
> are characteritic for the species? I have grown some plants (which easily
> grow from rooted cuttings) to some meters high under rainforest conditions
> (substrate, climbing support, temperature, humidity). The stem of some are
> more than 4 cm thick and the leaves are, still in the heartshaped manner,
> more than 70 cm long. They never produced any inflorescense (how could
> they?).
> Maybe anybody out there in the araceae crowd can offer an adult species of
> Syngonium macrophyllum (preferably in Europe)?
> I would like to cut an adult plant up to root the cuttings and to see what
> happens.
> g.gr. Helmut Reisenberger
> > -----Urspr=C3=BCngliche Nachricht-----
> > Von: "Lengyel Ferenc" <Ferenc.Lengyel@aok.pte.hu>
> > Gesendet: 23.04.09 08:10:53
> > An: Discussion of aroids <aroid-l@gizmoworks.com>
> > Betreff: Re: [Aroid-l] Philodendron "SCH=C3=96NBRUNNER HYBRID"
> > Hello,
> > Firt of all I'm terribly sorry for loading the list with such a big mail.
> I haven't realized its size, I
> > just added the attachments one after the other without reducing their
> size. Next time I will
> > take care of it.
> > Thank you for all the answers. Yes, it has a white sap when cut. So it
> must be the juvenile
> > form of a Syngonium sp., possibly S. macrophyllum.
> > The unknown plant on the aroid webpage mentioned by Marek Argent is very
> similar,
> > however, it has a shiny surface while the upper surface of the leaves of
> my plant is slightly
> > velvety.
> > If anybody is interested in the attached pics, I have reduced their size
> and put them on the
> > Internet. Here are the links:
> >
> > http://img0.tar.hu/lengyelf/img/37600892.jpg#3
> > http://img0.tar.hu/lengyelf/img/37600891.jpg#3
> > http://img0.tar.hu/lengyelf/img/37600890.jpg#3
> > http://img0.tar.hu/lengyelf/img/37600889.jpg#3
> > http://img0.tar.hu/lengyelf/img/37600888.jpg#3
> > http://img0.tar.hu/lengyelf/img/37600887.jpg#3
> >
> > Best Regards
>20> Ferenc
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Aroid-L mailing list
> > Aroid-L@www.gizmoworks.com
> > http://www.gizmoworks.com/mailman/listinfo/aroid-l
> >
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