From: "Carla Kostelac" <Carla.Kostelac at> on 2009.03.23 at 13:43:29
Dear IAS Members, The March issue of the IAS Newsletter Vol. 30, Issue 1, is now available. You should have received an email with a link that will allow you to access the new online-only version. This first strictly online issue comes completely loaded with wonderful articles and even more spectacular color photos! Plus there is important information about the upcoming Xth International Aroid Conference which will be held at the Nancy Botanical Garden in France from 8-10 July 2009. Check out the details and make your plans to attend what will be an important and interesting conference. Please enjoy this issue and be thinking about what you would like to see appear in the next Newsletter. Remember that there are no longer limits as to the length of your articles or number of images and the photos of your plants will be in beautiful color for all aroiders to appreciate. The deadline for submission to the June Newsletter will be May 15. I will send out a submission reminder on Aroid-L. Thanks everyone and special thanks to Albert Huntington who did such brilliant job on this issue! All the best, Carla Carla Kostelac IAS Newsletter Editor Carla V. Kostelac Assistant to Tom Croat & Research Specialist, Araceae Missouri Botanical Garden Box 299, St. Louis, Missouri 63116 (314) 577-5163 Please send images to our FTP Server.