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  Re: [Aroid-l] Aroids in the Movies
From: Zach DuFran <zdufran at wdtinc.com> on 2009.02.10 at 15:05:16



It’s funny that you bring up Aroids in movies.  I wasamused when I saw “Madagascar2” recently and noticed some animated Monstera deliciosa plants in thejungle scene.  To be clear, they were not animated, as in dancing around andsinging songs.  But the whole movie is animated and I thought it was prettyspecial that the artists took the time to draw Monsteras.  They are pretty easyto pick out (for people that spend all their time looking at plant life) if youwatch the movie.  When I nudged my wife and pointed it out she took a littlelonger to realize, being distracted by the characters and main action of themovie.


Could this be the first Aroid in an animated movie?


Zach DuFran

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