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Re: [Aroid-l] Aroid-L Digest, Vol 54, Issue 25
From: Tindomul Er-Murazor <tindomul1of9 at yahoo.com> on 2009.01.14 at 16:54:53
Dear Doc. Croat & Carol:
Thanks for the suggestions. I would also agree on Anthurium gracile. I have two of these in the lab and they continue to bloom and fruit on multiple inflorescence.
Dear Tindomal Er-Murzor:
We do use artificial lighting during the winter days, especially if it is overcast outside, not necessarily for the health of the plants since they seem to survive ok in winter months but as much as anything just to lighten up the place to make it less dreary to work. Our lights are just standard fluorescent bulbs so far as I know. I have never tried raising jack in the pulpits indoors but I guess if you have a cool greenhouse I don't know why you could not.
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