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[Aroid-l] Philodendron corrugatum??
From: ExoticRainforest <Steve at ExoticRainforest.com> on 2009.01.12 at 21:11:45
As some of you know, I have asked several times on Aroid l about Philodendroncorrugatum from Columbia. I find this plant intriguing and havebeen taking good closeup shots to document the features. Dr. Croatdoes not believe P. corrugatum is found in Ecuador and isworking on the description but as yet the plant is not a publishedspecies. However, Tom has published some of his field notes onTROPICOS and in private email he has explained there are other speciesin this complex. According to Tom's notes the speciesappears to be found only inthe western part of Colombia from just beneath the border with Panamadown to near Ecuador. I have been doing macro photographyof my specimen which was acquired from Ecuagenera and at least appearsto be P. corrugatum but upon close examination I findcharacteristics that I do not find in Tom's notes. I'm posting my noteto Tom this morning along with the photo of the petiole and abaxialsurface (underside) of the specimen.
If any of you have acquired a specimen tagged as Philodendroncorrugatum from Ecuagenera would you get a good magnifying glassand take a look at the top of the petiole as well as the upper ribs onthe underside along with the midrib and tell me what you see?
Here's my note to Tom:
Tom, after reading all yourpublished notes on Philodendron corrugatum on TROPICOS I am nowconcerned my plant may not be P. corrugatum. When I did macrophotos of the plant today I quickly realized the top of the petioles,the upper abaxial surface of the mid rib and portions of upper ribspossess pubescence. The petioles are also canaliculate rather thanterete. However, the petioles do possess the broken up striation onthe petiole you described. The photo attached shows the pubescence. Any ideas?
Thanks to all of you for any help!
Steve Lucas www.ExoticRainforest.com
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