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[Aroid-l] Anthurium whitelockii
From: ExoticRainforest <Steve at ExoticRainforest.com> on 2009.01.03 at 15:35:06
Jared, I just went back and reread your original post. I'm not sureyou actually have the plant Dr. Croat originally considered calling"Anthurium whitelockii" since the species which was published as Anthuriumfaustomirandae is not a bird's nest form. Section Pachyneuriumspecies (birds nest) grow in a rosulette fashion with the petioles in aform similar to the form of the petals of a rose. Anthuriumfaustomirandae grows a very thick coriaceous cordate (heart shaped)leaf and Dr. Croat does not list this species in his journal of Anthuriumwithin section Pachyneurium. Photos of the plant including the blade,petiole and stem will help to determine the species but if you have aphoto of the inflorescence that will make the ID even more positive.
Steve Lucas www.ExoticRainforest.com
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