From: "Daniel Devor" <plantguy at> on 2008.11.20 at 00:13:14
I would say that A. titanum is one of the more common species now compared to 8 years ago. There are seed for sale on ebay for a very low price nearly constantly. I bought 24 seed last year and sent them to a friend in South America and as I recall I spent $5 per seed. It seems the tubers that people are growing from those seed are nearly as plentiful and being sold on ebay. I think this will be one of the easier species to track down for you in all honesty and it is likely some growers here will be willing to part with some of their seedlings. I'd love to have one small GH....I envy you :o) Dan Gibsonia, PA ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 9:57 AM Subject: [Aroid-l] Amorphophallus availability?
Hey all. I am interested in growing some Amorphophallus again. I have one very large greenhouse and two small ones. Some years ago I grew a bunch of species and had a pretty good experience with them. They seemed easy enough.
It would be a dream to get some. A. titanum seeds. Have they become easier to get in 8 years??
Anyway, if anyone here is selling tubers or seed, or knows where I can get some, let me know.
-- ((Expecto Patronum))
Jared R. McKinley (520) 730-8583 _______________________________________________ Aroid-L mailing list