This is a question that I haveas well. I was told recently that the inflorescences are under the leaves. Theplant that I have that may possibly be R. cryptantha has small inflorescences thatproject out well away from the leaves. Is this another species, similar to R.cryptantha or the same plant?
D. Christopher Rogers
Senior Invertebrate Ecologist/Taxonomist
1.530. 383.4798 (cell)
1307 "L" Street
Davis, CA 95616
Moscow, Idaho =9F Bozeman, Montana =9F Davis, California =9F Joplin, Missouri
Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania [] OnBehalf Of Michael Pascall
Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2008 3:39 AM
To: Discussion of aroids
Subject: [Aroid-l] Raphidophora cryptantha infloresence .
Has anyone seen the infl. on this sp. ? andtaken a picture .
I remember Brian Williams talking about it , I must try and get a picture of it.
>From my bromeliad knowledge , Cryptanthus derived its name from the supposedhidden flowers .
They are not that well hidden , as I saw some today .
I have peered under the leaves of this sp. and never seen much but roots .