From: James Waddick <jwaddick at> on 2008.09.10 at 14:18:28
Philondendron seeds from Brazil -CurentTaxonomyDear John and all who have contacted me off line about theseseeds,
I dorecommend the seller, but cannot vouch for the correct ID of theseparticular seed. I know there have been discrepancies, disagreements,OK arguments, about these names. Buying seed always has someelement of roulette.
Aprominent aroid grower who prefers to keep out of the fray made somefine observations, that I repeat here with some minor editing: (myaddition italicized or not in quotes)
He saidhe'd "be willing to bet my nose against a dime these seedscome from/originate Seidel in Brazil, the list of names matchesSeidel's list almost exactly."
He"had a very pleasant, non-confrontational and LONG exchange withthe present director in Brazil just about under a year ago, andferreted out the info from the present owner of the seed Co. inBrazil. His Dad, now passed on, the famous Alvim Seidel was agood friend of Graf, and the seeds Seidel in Brazil sell will grow tolook like the plants labeled under these names. Adult,mislabeled plants under these names are in fact illustrated by Grafin his OLD Exoticas. These are NOT the plants weknow by those names based on recent scientific/taxonomic descriptions.The seeds will grow to look like the plants in Graf'sbook. He went through several orders from Seidel,and have proven that the seeds bought from Seidel do in fact grow tolook like the plants in Graff's books, they are NOT the''true'' species." as recognized today.
"Mr. Donato Seidel (the younger) finally admitted theirerrors to me, and promised that they would have a Brazilian taxonomistvisit their collection, correct the I.D.'s and bring their seedlist up to date. This has seemingly NOThappened."
"You can use this info. to post to the aroid list.."And apologies if I have mis-quoted or altered anything in doingso.
I thinkthe disjuncture between current taxonomic knowledge of Brazilianspecies and misidentifications in Graf's books is well known. Myintent in posting the list of seeds was to make these seed availableto members more easily than ordering direct from Brazil which can befraught with problems compared to ordering from Germany.
I donot want to restart anti -Graf or anti-Seidl discussion, butrepeat my previous message's final words "BuyerBeware".
Best JimW. -- Dr. James W. Waddick 8871 NW Brostrom Rd. Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711 USA Ph. 816-746-1949 Zone 5 Record low -23F Summer 100F +