Your search for articles mentioning the genus Pistia has found 14 articles.

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Michael Madison The genera of Araceae in the northern Andes (Buy)
 ABSTRACT: The north Andean region, which includes Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, has perhaps the richest flora in the world and is the center of diversity of the family Araceae. The low to middle elevation wet forests of the area abound with aroids which cover the ground, climb up tree trunks, and as epiphytes adorn the outer branches of the trees. Many of our finest ornamental aroids, including Anthurium andreanum, A. crystallinum, Caladium bicolor, and Philodendron erubescens, are derived from this area. The purpose of this paper is to provide a key and brief descriptions of the genera of Araceae of the northern Andes which should enable anyone to identify to genus aroids from the region. The key is also applicable in Central America, but only partly so in the rest of South America where a number of additional genera, principally of the subfamily Aroideae, are found.
Mark D. Moffler Qualitative observations on tropical aroid cold tolerance (Buy)
 ABSTRACT: As winter approaches each year, we all become concerned about protecting our tropical plants, especially those which are the most susceptible to cold damage. The fall of 1978 was mild in Tampa, with temperatures seldom reaching below 100C (500F). The mild fall gave many of us a false sense of security and steps for cold protection were put off until "tomorrow". It wa~ this unfortunate procrastination that lead to a premature study of cold tolerance in aroids. My initial idea was to test several landscape and porch plants for cold susceptibility, but unfortunately, I unintentionally tested 46 different aroids.
Marianne Knecht The uses of Araceae in African folklore and traditional medicine
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 ABSTRACT: In many countries of Africa much effort is now being put into research on medicinal plants, and accounts already exist which list those species that are used in some form or other in traditional African medicine. However, these accounts do not include the personal observations of botanists, who have gathered valuable information from local people during the course of their fieldwork. The following summary includes statements that I have obtained during my own field tours in Ivory Coast in West Africa.
Libby Besse The native south Florida aroids
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 ABSTRACT: Orontium aquaticum, Peltandra virginica, and Pistia stratiotes are native to southern Florida, though by no means are they limited to Florida.
Dan H. Nicholson Translation of Engler's classification of Araceae with updating (Buy)
 ABSTRACT: When Hooker (1883) was preparing the treatment of Araceae (Aroideae) for the monumental 'Genera Plantarum,' he basically followed the Schottian system, incorporating Engler's (1879) reduction in the number of genera. The first system was "popularized" by Hutchinson (1959) who, with a reversal of the sequence (bisexual genera first), published essentially an English translation of Hooker's latin. Engler (1905-1920), in his monumental 'Das Pflanzenreich', produced his final treatment of the family, including all then known species in nine volumes. This work remains the standard reference for the family as a whole.
F. D. Ghani Ornamental and edible aroids of peninsular Malaysia (Buy)
 ABSTRACT: Most aroids are widely distributed in the tropics and subtropics with a few species in temperate regions. The majority occur in the countries of South East Asia, South and Central America, Africa and the West Indies. The family has a total of 110 genera and ca. 2500 species (Croat, 1979), 92% of which are in South East Asia and Central and South America. In Malaysia alone there are 23 native genera and about 120 species (Henderson, 1954).
David Prudhomme Pistia stratiotes "Growoff"
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 ABSTRACT: For those unaware, P. stratiotes, however delightful to look at, is simply a water weed which chokes off large bodies of water and even hinders navigation in many parts of S. Florida. Should this plant be seriously considered for the best of show award on points alone?
Thomas B. Croat, Nancy Lambert The Araceae of Venezuela (Buy Back Issue)
 ABSTRACT: An illustrated treatment of 171 Venezuelan Araceae taxa is provided. Discussion of range, species characteristics and distinction from similar or closely related species is made for each taxon. Sixteen species, three subspecies and one variety are described as new, and three new combinations are made.
Josef Bogner Morphological variation in aroids (Buy)
 ABSTRACT: The Araceae or aroid., are a large family of about 2400 species, grouped in 107 genera and these again in nine subfamilies. The aroids are mainly a tropical family and are distributed world-wide. They show great variation in their morphological characters, which will be described in this paper along with some other data.
Thomas B. Croat Ecology and life forms of Araceae (Buy Back Issue)
 ABSTRACT: The most interesting aspect of the family's ecology is the diversity of adaptive life forms. These range from submerged to free-floating, and emergent aquatics to terrestrial plants and to epilithic or epiphytic forms which may be true epiphytes or hemiepiphytic (growing on trees but rooted in soil). Hemiepiphytism is diverse itself, with some species beginning their lives as terrestrial seedlings, then growing skototropically (toward darkness) until they arrive at the nearest suitable tree ( usually a relatively large one which casts a darker shadow) where a physiological change takes place allowing them to grow toward light (Strong & Ray, 1975). They grow as appressed epiphytes on trees or as vines in the canopy. Others begin their lives as true epiphytes, some reconverting to hemiepiphytes by producing long, dangling roots contacting the forest floor below.
Gitte Peterson Chromosome numbers of the genera Araceae (Buy)
 ABSTRACT: An overview of the chromosome numbers of the genera of Araceae is given.
Thomas B. Croat Taxonomic status of neotropical aroids (Buy)
 ABSTRACT: While the Paleotropics has more genera than the Neotropics (60 versus 36) the latter area contains roughly twothirds the species of the world's Araceae. Our level of knowledge of the systematics of the neotropical Araceae varies greatly from area to area, owing largely to recent revisionary work or to the interest and area concentrated on by particular workers.
Thomas B. Croat History and current status of systemic research with Araceae (Buy Back Issue)
 ABSTRACT: This paper will cover all systematic and floristic work that deals with Araceae which is known to me. It will not, in general, deal with agronomic papers on Araceae such as the rich literature on taro and its cultivation, nor will it deal with smaller papers of a technical nature or those dealing with pollination biology. It will include review papers on technical subjects and all works, regardless of their nature, of current aroid researchers. It is hoped that other reviews will be forthcoming which will cover separately the technical papers dealing with anatomy, cytology, physiology, palenology, and other similar areas and that still another review will be published on the subject of pollination biology of Araceae and the rich literature dealing with thermogenesis.
Z. Kvacek, Josef Bogner Twenty-million-year-old fruits and seeds of Pistia (Araceae) from central Europe (Buy)
 ABSTRACT: First fossil fruits of Pistia (Araceae, Aroideae) are reported from the Early Miocene lignite in North Bohemia. They co-occur with dispersed seeds identified as Pistia sibirica Dorofeev, a morpho-species spread in the Late Oligocene and Early to Middle Miocene deposits of western Eurasia. These fruits remain different only in smaller size from those produced by Pistia stratiotes L., a pantropic floating aquatic aroid and the only extant species of the genus.