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Your search for articles by authors with the surname Burnett has found 3 articles.
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Year |
Vol. (Issue) |
Pages |
Author(s) |
Title |
1982 |
5(4) |
103-107 |
David Burnett |
The problems of names for Araceae: A proposal for hybrid and cultivars
| | ABSTRACT: There are internationally accepted rules for naming plants at all of these levels. Further there are rules for naming hybrids between Genera (there are probably no known intergeneric hybrids in Araceae): Hybrids between species and hybrids between cultivars. Generally species hybrids are to be named by a formula (and, if appropriate, a name) and hybrids between cultivars by a name along the lines of cultivars. What I propose in this article is that we must depart, slightly, from the rules of the Code. What I regard as two slight departures may seem, to some, as major. This is a matter for the members to decide.
1984 |
7(1) |
21-22 |
David Burnett |
Don't give in to the fungus
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| | ABSTRACT: In Aroideana 6 (2):57 Queries, Joe Wright discusses the problems of fungus infection in an interesting article. However, there is one comment with which I must take exception. "Plants that succumb to Fusarium should be destroyed ... ." I think that advice, is unnecessarily defeatist.
1984 |
7(3) |
68-162 |
David Burnett |
The cultivated alocasia
(Buy Back Issue)
| | ABSTRACT: Given that A/ocasia has been an enduring ornamental foliage favorite for over 150 years, it is surprising that there has never been a horticultural text on the genus. It is time there was such a publication. What follows is simply the informed opinion of one collector. It is not a taxonomic treatise; rather it is a publication written by a collector for the benefit of other collectors. It pretends to be nothing else.