Anthurium pseudospectabile Croat, Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 14: 165. 1986.
Etymology: Falsely resembling Anthurium spectabile Schott
Distribution: Anthurium pseudospectabile is endemic to Panama and grows along the continental divide between Bocas del Toro and Chiriqui provinces.
Sectional Placement: section Pachyneurium
Description: Planta plerumque pendula epiphytica; cataphyllum subcoriaceum; basi findens, fibris, apice persistens intactum; petiolus subteres, complanatus ad leviter lateque sulcatus adaxiale, interdum obtuse quadrangulatus, 14-60 cm longus; lamina modice coriacea, oblonga ad oblongo-elliptica, basi obtusa ad rotundata 65-150 cm longa, 12-45 cm lata, nervis primariis lateralis usque 40; inflorescentia effusa; pedunculus teres ad leviter quadrangulatus, 13-36 cm longus; spatha coriacea, pagina inferiore viridis, pagina superiore tincta purpurea, lanceolata, plerumque torta aut circinata, 10-32 cm longa, 2.5-7 cm lata; spadix sessilis, flavovirens aut viridis, 15-38 cm longus, praecox emergenti pistillo; baccae aurantiacae, oblongo-ellipsoideae, 10-12 mm longae.
Large, epiphytic pendant herb; stem, slender; leaves, long and narrow, up to 2 meters plus long and up to 50 cm wide, with numerous veins and wavy margins, inflorescence, pendant with peduncle slightly longer than the petiole, spadix green to yellowish green, spathe green on upper surface and purple below. The berries of this species are bright orange. The petiole of this species is terete (round in cross section) and is a distinguishing character in separating it from the closely related Anthurium spectabile Schott, which has a quadrangular petiole and occurs to the north in Costa Rica.
A more detailed description of this species is in T. Croats A Revision of Anthurium Section Pachyneurium.
Notes: A magnificent sight in habitat, A. psuedospectabile's long and thin pendant leaves can grow to 6 feet and more. The leaves have a slight grayish tone to their green and margins are usually 'wavy' to various degrees. A large specimen visible in a tree with its bright orange infructescence hanging out is breathtaking.
Don't hesitate to try this species in cultivation if you ever get the chance. Although A. psuedospectabile grows at some 3500-4500 feet elevation, being in section Pachyneurium it fares much better in cultivation at low altitudes than most other anthuriums from similar altitudes. Make sure its in a hanging basket and has room to grow down.
This beautiful specimen grows in the conservatory
at the Atlanta Botanical GardensCopyright © 2007 by Neil Carroll. All rights reserved.